Mar 3, 2009

Dress Diet

And you thought I was skinny and had no issues ;). Well, I do have a belly/tummy that makes me look like I am pregnant even though I am not. I am still my 112 lb self but which makes the tummy look even bigger. Since I love my carbs so much and couldn't get my lazy behind to do crunches, I decided to motivate myself in a different route. I remember reading long time ago about something that Halle Berry said after she did her Bond Movie. She said she still has her swimsuit that she wore in that movie and she tries it on every now and then to see if she can still fit into it. If she fits that means she’s good with her weight.

That got me thinking about me, myself and my fashion choices. I forgot when I became the “baggy-t-shirt-and–track-suits” woman from “wow-here-she-comes” girl. I have no problem morphing into a woman from girl but don’t like seeing myself in track suits. I loathe them (I don’t care if they are made with velour with a gold finish). So I decided to do the “Dress Diet”. I bought this beautiful dress and the only way it can look “amazing” from “normal” is if have a flat tummy. So from tomorrow I am doing crunches and going back to gym even if that means I have to sleep only for 4 hours instead of 6. I want to fit into that dress

I welocme you all to spend some extra cash and get a dress that you love and hang it in your closet. It will do wonders I tell ya ;).

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