Nov 1, 2008

A Cup of Tea

Lately my wants have been very simple. I have come down from wanting diamond rings and Balenciaga bags to 5 minutes of peace and 10 minutes of "no-one-talk-tome" time. Among those comes my cup of tea. Every evening, I just like to have a cup of tea without V throwing tantrums, neighbor stopping by without calling, wrong numbers staying on the phone for 10 minutes even after explaining to them that I am not "Shop-rite"... well you get the hint.

After all that last week, I finally enjoyed a nice cup of tea today. Sent off Prabu and V on an errand ;). Phew, now I am fully energized to take on the next few tasks at home and at work :).

Yesterday was Halloween. V did not want to wear his outfit at all. I had to bribe him and make him wear it so I could take few pictures. He got out of it in exactly 9 minutes. It worked out fine as he doesn't get the concept of trick or treating yet.

PS: That curl on his fore-head is natural. We did not add any gel ;).

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